Differences in data-sharing attitudes and behaviours, extended version to African data curators and data management experts


  • Flavio Bonifacio Metis Ricerche srl
  • Winny Nekesa Akullo Iassist




Data Sharing, Africa Regional Workshop, Data-Sharing Attitudes and Behaviours, Africans not Africans comparison, Data Sharing Survey


This article reports the results of a survey conducted between 16th November and 8th December 2020 among African data curators and data experts about different aspects of data sharing. The sample of respondents has been extracted from participants to the 1st IASSIST Africa Regional Workshop held on 11th -13th January 2021, Kampala, UGANDA and other data experts and practitioners. First, we recall the main results of a previous article published by IQ about the same argument in order to introduce the new survey. After that we analyse the new findings comparing them with the previous results, splitting the samples between Africans and not Africans.

Author Biography

Winny Nekesa Akullo, Iassist

Winny Nekesa Akullo, Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority, Kampala, Uganda




How to Cite

Bonifacio, F., & Nekesa Akullo, W. (2021). Differences in data-sharing attitudes and behaviours, extended version to African data curators and data management experts. IASSIST Quarterly, 45(3-4). https://doi.org/10.29173/iq993