Future models and architecture of data repositories in African universities


  • Josiline Chigwada University of South Africa
  • Elisha R Chiware Cape Peninsula University of Technology




Research Data Management, Research Data Repositories, RDM Models, RDM Infrastructure, RDM, Research Data Services, Data Repository Models, Data Repository Infrastructure


Research data repositories as part of research infrastructures are being developed and are important tools and components that help to store, preserve, and allow for the re-use of data.  As the technologies, networks, and systems that the data repositories are built upon are advancing, this study explores the future models and architectures that African universities can follow to have reliable and sustainable systems for the preservation of research data. A scoping review was done to focus on the future shape of data repositories based on past experiences of the last 10 years of research institutions in establishing data repositories. This study was done to gauge the communities’ responses to the architecture of existing platforms to prepare other institutions planning to establish digital research data repositories. Articles were retrieved from Scopus, Web of Science, and Dimensions databases using relevant keywords. The content analysis approach was used to establish the requirements for establishing digital research data repositories to develop a framework that can be utilised by other research institutions to develop their repositories. The framework would be handy in providing a roadmap for research institutions that want to establish research data services in Africa enhancing the future of research infrastructure in African universities.


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How to Cite

Chigwada, J., & Chiware, E. (2024). Future models and architecture of data repositories in African universities. IASSIST Quarterly, 48(3). https://doi.org/10.29173/iq1099